The percentage self-consumption decreases with increased solar PV generation and when the household spends less time at home during the day. This means a higher proportion of the electricity is being exported to the grid and the household would benefit by shifting electricity consumption to times when there is greater generation from solar PV.
A solar PV system on the south coast of England for example will generate more electricity annual than one of a similar size, orientation and inclination in the north of Scotland. A solar PV system on the south coast of England for example will generate more electricity annually.
Solar PV systems on homes allow residents to use the electricity generated for free. Maximum electricity generation from a solar PV system is in the middle of the day. However, greatest electricity consumption by households tends to be in the morning and early evening.
Household electricity consumption is lower in the middle of the day, particularly for families who are out all day. This means that much of the electricity generated by the solar panels is exported to the electricity grid.
Solar photovoltaic is a renewable energy technology that utilizes sunlight in order to generate electricity. A photovoltaic system is comprised of one or multiple solar panels, made up of solar photovoltaic cells, and a solar inverter.
Maximum electricity generation from a solar PV system is in the middle of the day. However, greatest electricity consumption by households tends to be in the morning and early evening. Household electricity consumption is lower in the middle of the day, particularly for families who are out all day.