Tax relief eligibility for battery storage Projects The expanded tax relief encompasses three main categories of battery storage projects, each contributing towards the enhancement of the UK's energy grid's resilience and sustainability: • Battery storage integrated with Solar PV: Enhancing solar energy generation with storage capabilities.
There is also a investment tax credit for larger energy storage projects. The Section 48 Investment Tax Credit offers businesses a similar 30% base tax credit for energy storage systems under 1 MW, or over 1 MW if certain apprenticeship and wage requirements are met.
Acknowledgement of battery storage’s role The tax relief initiative, focusing on battery storage systems, is pioneering. It recognises the indispensable role that battery storage plays in bolstering the clean energy sector and propels the UK towards achieving more sustainable energy solutions.
Among the many provisions of the IRA, the introduction of battery storage system tax credits stands out as a major incentive for individuals and businesses looking to invest in energy storage solutions. These battery storage system tax credits aim to accelerate the adoption of energy storage technologies.
“It’s fantastic that the government has extended tax relief on battery storage systems. The expanded VAT relief aligns with the UK’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting green energy solutions.
In a much-needed move towards energy efficiency, the government has unveiled plans to grant VAT relief on the installation of energy storage batteries. This welcome move extends far beyond the previous VAT relief policy, which was limited to batteries installed concurrently with solar panels.