in your home is designed to transfer energy from one store to another. Secondly, the amount of energy an appliance transfers depends o how long the appliance is switched on and the power of the appliance. The equation to calculate that is energy transferred equals power multiplied by time, or energy
energy transfers Changes from one form of energy to another form of energy. energy store The different ways in which energy can be stored, including chemical, kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic potential and thermal stores. to another. In a torch, the energy stored in the battery is used to heat up the filament of the bulb.
Complete the energy diagram below. A battery-powered torch transfers energy from the chemical energy store of the battery to the thermal energy store of the bulb as it gets hot. The energy is transferred electrically through the wires that connect the battery and bulb. A long distance runner transferring energy from their muscles into movement.
The energy is transferred mechanically as the person applies a force to the bow. Complete the energy diagram below. The engine of a car transfers energy from the chemical energy store of the fuel to the kinetic energy store of the car as the car moves.
transfer When something is moved from one place to another. This may be people, objects or energy. The spreading out and transfer of energy stores into less useful forms, such as thermal energy causing the surroundings to heat up. Dissipated energy is often referred to as 'wasted' energy, since it is not transferred to a useful output.
Moving objects store energy in their kinetic energy store. elastic potential energy store. A hot object has more energy in its thermal energy store than when it is cold. The energy in the nucleus of an atom is in the nuclear energy store. Food, batteries and fuels store energy in their chemical energy stores.