On July 1, 2021, ZKK, in cooperation with the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, established the Hungarian Battery Industry Platform, which brings together more than sixty industrial, academic and public administration institutions. They began preparations to establish the Hungarian Battery Association.
GS Yuasa also produces automotive lithium-ion starter batteries, while Inzi Control also manufactures battery modules. Many of the significant suppliers of the battery industry in Hungary are located directly near the main car manufacturing plants.
On July 1, 2021, the founding meeting of the Hungarian Battery Association took place with the participation of more than seventy companies. The establishment of the Hungarian Battery Association was the first significant step towards the realization of the strategic objectives of the domestic battery industry.
Many of the significant suppliers of the battery industry in Hungary are located directly near the main car manufacturing plants. Since 2016, a total of HUF 1,903.8 billion (EUR 5.29 billion) and approximately 13,757 jobs have been created as a result of working capital investments in the battery industry.
The aim of the Association is to represent the interests of the companies active in the Hungarian battery value chain and to promote the development and European integration of the Hungarian battery industry by ensuring professional cooperation between governmental and institutional bodies.
State-of-the-art battery storage has great development potential in both areas all over the world. Hungary’s industrial, R&D traditions and capabilities are already outstanding in this field. The development of this sector can make the Hungarian battery industry a strategically important one in the Hungarian economy.