Now in a short circuit, you have very low resistance which in turn makes current very high. Now take your solar panel. When you short its connection there is no resistance like a battery in between. Now when your Solar Panel gets to light it produces electricity and you get a short circuit current.
Now that out of the way, it depends upon which type of system of which you want to measure the Short Circuit Current. If it’s a full-blown solar array then stop and don’t even attempt to measure short circuit current. And if it’s a Single Panel you can do it without worry.
In trying to measure the current output from a solar panel I've inadvertently short circuit the panel. Did I damaged the panel? How can I test if everything is ok? Does it still produce voltage when light is shone on it? I think the is high enough that it can't be damaged by short circuit. In fact, solar cells are rated by their .
Don’t leave your panel short for a long duration. Short Circuit is not a natural situation and is only done for short circuit analysis. Get rid of the short circuit as soon as you finished your tests. Be careful of Radiation and Temperature. Most solar module can take 1000 W/ radiation. Be sure your weather is compatible.
If you’re asking about short-circuiting any electronic device, you’re probably worried that you’ve damaged your device in some way. A short circuit happens when an excessive current runs through an unintended path – you overload the system. Yes, you can short a solar panel, but you likely won’t cause damage to the panel in this way.
The most common cause of low power output in solar panels is obstructions or shadows on the array. Checking Voc (voltage open circuit) and Isc (current short circuit) measurements can help diagnose panel issues. Loose connectors and improperly seated terminals can cause low voltage or current output.