The results of the present study are in concordance with the previous studies comparing the air type and liquid type cooling methods for batteries. According to Fig. 19, a temperature increase of 13.5 °C is achieved by both air cooling and liquid cooling methods.
Park theoretically studied an air-cooled battery system and found that the required cooling performance is achievable by employing a tapered manifold and air ventilation. Xie et al. conducted an experimental and CFD study on a Li-ion battery pack with an air cooling system.
Liquid cooling is highly effective at dissipating high levels of heat and offers precise temperature control. However, it is a more complex system, requiring regular maintenance and a higher initial investment compared to air cooling. Selecting the appropriate cooling system for your ESS can be a critical decision.
Heat pipe cooling for Li-ion battery pack is limited by gravity, weight and passive control . Currently, air cooling, liquid cooling, and fin cooling are the most popular methods in EDV applications. Some HEV battery packs, such as those in the Toyota Prius and Honda Insight, still use air cooling.
In the study of Park and Jung , authors compared the air cooling and direct liquid cooling with mineral oil for thermal management of a cylindrical battery module. Their results indicated that for the heat load of 5 W / c e l l, the ratio of power consumption is PR = 9.3.
However, for the cell with the liquid cooling method, the middle area is hotter than both sides. The minimum and maximum local temperatures for the battery with air cooling are around 37 °C and 45 °C, respectively. For the cell with liquid cooling, the highest and lowest local temperatures are around 30 °C and 42 °C. Fig. 16.