Home battery storage without solar allows you to capitalise on the general benefits of energy storage systems, without the entry barrier of solar panel costs. So, you can expect: Essentially, home battery storage without solar is a great way to enter the clean, low-cost energy game – without needing to pay the added cost of a full solar array.
Understand the key limitations of battery storage without solar panels, and why it’s better to include solar. Despite solar panels and storage batteries being a very common and productive pairing for households in the UK, it is technically possible to have a storage battery without solar panels.
The growth of home solar PV panels coupled with battery storage has empowered households to cut electricity bills and carbon emissions. While awareness around the benefits of solar and storage continues to grow, this could leave another, more accessible, and more affordable route to energy independence in the shadows.
A standalone domestic battery storage system refers to the use of a home battery that is not paired with any complementary solar. (Unlike a typical solar plus storage setup.) So, rather than using a solar array, it allows households to simply store electricity from the grid when prices are cheaper.
We recommend combining battery storage with solar panels for this very reason. Getting solar panels means you can charge your battery for free whenever the sun is up. You can then rely on your battery when your solar panels can’t generate enough electricity, such as on seriously cloudy days or at night.
Home battery storage without solar saves customers up to £1500 per year by using smart tariffs to charge when energy is cheapest greenest.