Given the uniformly high abundance and cost-effectiveness of sodium, as well as its very suitable redox potential (close to that of lithium), sodium-ion battery technology offers tremendous potential to be a counterpart to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) in different application scenarios, such as stationary energy storage and low-cost vehicles.
The costs of a complete battery system, based on cathode active material price scenarios calculated in the work, are represented by a linear regression that accounts for economies of scale. The costs for the battery system were differentiated into cost types, but not into process steps .
Sodium ion batteries (SIBs) have a broad prospect in large-scale energy storage applications because of their rich reserve and wide distribution of sodium resources.
To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. Sodium-ion batteries have been identified as appealing alternatives to lithium-ion batteries because they are made from raw materials that are less expensive, more abundant and less toxic.
The article identifies main cost types for battery production as land acquisition, construction, equipment, liability, material, utilities, logistics, and labor. The comparison is based on 18650-cells with a NMC cathode chemistry. The work identifies a gap inside the labor costs between the two countries.
We make a similar observation by comparing the results from the two most unequally distributed groups in this analysis. 5 of the 7 experts interviewed by Baker et al. in 2010 are from academia and the average estimate of battery cost among experts is 265 $ (kW h) −1 for 2020, an optimistic estimate at the time.