Kosovo’s first solar auction for the construction of a 100 MW solar plant in the town of Rahovec attracted six bids, as revealed earlier this week.
Kosovo is planning a series of auctions for renewable energy and battery energy storage systems. Minister of Economy Artane Rizvanolli has revealed plans for further procurement exercises for 950 MW of renewables, totaling €1.2 billion, after announcing the shortlisted bidders in the nation's first solar auction.
Another procurement exercise will seek to deploy a solar district heating project in Pristina. According to its energy strategy, Kosovo also plans to hold two auctions for battery storage projects with a cumulative capacity of 170 MW.
The Kosovo energy strategy includes increasing RES capacity to 35% of electricity consumption by 2031. Aiming for 600 MW wind, 600 MW solar PV, 20 MW biomass & at least 100 MW of prosumer capacity, to reach a total installed RES capacity of 1600 MW by 2031. Lignite exploitation in Kosovo started in 1922.
According to its energy strategy, Kosovo also plans to hold two auctions for battery storage projects with a cumulative capacity of 170 MW. The minister expects that 45 MW/90 MWh and 125 MW/250 MWh battery storage procurement exercises will be launched this year in cooperation with US-based Millennium Challenge Corp. (MCC).
It is looking to add at least 1.2 MW of utility-scale wind and solar projects, alongside 100 MW of rooftop PV capacity. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Kosovo had 10 MW of installed PV capacity at the end of 2022.