Battery test standards cover several categories like characterisation tests and safety tests. Within these sections a multitude of topics are found that are covered by many standards but not with the same test approach and conditions. Compare battery tests easily thanks to our comparative tables. Go to the tables about test conditions
This overview of currently available safety standards for batteries for stationary battery energy storage systems shows that a number of standards exist that include some of the safety tests required by the Regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries, forming a good basis for the development of the regulatory tests.
Although many tests can be performed to assess the condition of the batteries such as ohmic testing, specific gravity, state of charge etc., only the capacity test, commonly referred to as the discharge or load test, can measure the true capacity of the battery system and in turn determine the state of heath of the batteries.
No comparative tables available unfortunately. Only the IEC TS 62607-4 series seem to cover battery material tests. From 33 standards on battery testing the contents have been analysed. Per test category tables have been compiled that bring comparable test subjects together.
1. Objective Methods other than capacity tests are increasingly used to assess the state of charge or capacity of stationary lead-acid batteries. Such methods are based on one of the following methods: impedance (AC resistance), admittance (AC conductance).
This standard outlines the product safety requirements and tests for secondary lithium (i.e. Li-ion) cells and batteries with a maximum DC voltage of 1500 V for the use in SBESS. This standards is about the safety of primary and secondary lithium batteries used as power sources.